Consumer Protection Statute

Consumer Statute

LAW 1480 OF 2011

Since April 12, 2012, Law 1480, which issues the Consumer Statute, has become the main "weapon" for thousands of Colombians dissatisfied with the acquisition of goods and services. Since then, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), the authority in charge of ensuring consumer rights, has not only joined forces in order to give a better understanding of the contents, rights, news and impact of this Statute , but also, it has made available to the population all the necessary mechanisms through which they can make said Law effective. Within its general principles, this Law - which benefits all Colombians - decrees:

Learn about Law 1480 Consumer Statute

  • The protection of consumers against risks to their health and safety.
  • Consumers' access to adequate information - in accordance with the terms of this Law that allows them to make well-founded choices.
  • Consumer education.
  • The freedom to form consumer organizations and the opportunity for those organizations to have their views heard in decision-making processes that affect them.
  • The special protection of children and adolescents, in their capacity as consumers, in accordance with the provisions of the Code for Children and Adolescents.